Whenever you dream about someone you are actually dreaming about aspects of yourself. This means that every person in your dream – in some way, shape, or form – is an unconscious aspect of your own personality.
By unconscious aspect of your personality, I mean that each character in your dream represents a quality of yourself; however, it is a quality that you have not recognized or accepted.
These unknown parts of ourselves can include anything that we are not aware of: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
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In almost every post, I cover how this looks in depth. In this post I wanted to address the question at more general level.
I recognize that there is some psychic factor active in me which eludes my conscious will in the most incredible manner. It can put extraordinary ideas into my head, induce in me unwanted and unwelcome moods and emotions, lead me to astonishing actions…C.G. Jung,I learned everything I know about dreams and dreaming from C.G. Jung, so when I speak about dream interpretation or dream meaning, it’s in his language.
Jung said that when we dream, we are dreaming mostly of ourselves. So when you’re asking the question, what does it mean when you dream about someone, keep this principle of Jung’s in mind.
Our psyche is populated with all kinds of characters, many times looking like something right out of American Horror Story. At any moment of one of those characters can autonomously act out, and there is nothing you can do to stop it, hence Jung’s quote.
In the most basic sense these unknown qualities are represented in our dreams by what Jung called shadow figures.
I’m using Jung’s term shadow here to mean everything about yourself of which you are unconscious. If you know anything about Jung, then you know that the concept of Shadow is much more precise. Here we are covering only the basics.
Many people want to know if dreaming about someone means that the person in their dream is also dreaming about them or if the person is thinking about them.
Dreaming about someone does not indicate anything like that. As I said, the dream is about you, not the other person.
Okay, before I go any further, let me amend that statement. On occasion your dreams will show you something about another person’s true nature. However, it’s RARE. Even when a dream does that, it typically shows you something about that person of which you are totally unaware.
Here’s an example of what I mean. A woman on Quora shared a hilarious dream that illustrated this miraculous ability of the unconscious to see something in another person that we cannot see.
The woman had developed an interest in a guy that she really didn’t know very well. Typically, when we are attracted to someone that we don’t know, we often project something into that person which really isn’t there.
We fantasize about how they are and then spin all kinds of stories about how a relationship with that person would be.
So, this woman had probably started fantasizing about this man and how she might pursue him. Whenever our conscious minds become deeply engaged in this kind of fantasy activity, the unconscious will eventually respond with a dream.
It’s called compensation and there’s a whole theory about how this works and why it happens, but here is not the place for elaboration on that. In general, compensation is a self-correcting process in the psyche, aimed at restoring psychic balance.
Sorry to be so crude, but that was the dream image.
Her take away from that dream image was spot on: I figured that the dream was telling me that he was an asshole, so I stayed away from him.
This is one of those dream images that just is what it is. Sometimes the unconscious has a brilliant sense of humor.
The dream states very clearly – in opposition to what she saw from the front – here’s what this guy looks like from behind.
Sometimes in life, we have to face an asshole, but best that it not be a love interest.
I have shared this dream in another post, but I will briefly recount it here:
In this dream, a trusted friend of one of my clients showed her true colors.
Before the dream, my client was already having suspicions about her friend, but she couldn’t bring herself to believe that her friend would actually betray her.
My client thought that something must be wrong with herself. She had not considered that her friend may not be her friend. The dreamer was going in and out of states of insecurity and self-loathing regarding this supposed friendship. While we should always do a self-check after a dream such as this one, falling into states of self-loathing is too much.
However, even after a dream such as that one, I would never advise anyone to break off a friendship, but we did take it as a clue to be aware and pay careful attention to this woman.
As I said in the article where I expand on this dream, my clients so-called friend did eventually betray her, not only personally, but also professionally.
When it finally happened, my client was already aware that it might happen. And while the betrayal by her former friend was painful, it deepened my client’s relationship to her inner life.
She had a new friend she could count on: her dream life.
Now here’s the other thing about dreams like this. While the dream had made an objective statement about this so-called friend of hers, it also made a very strong statement about my client’s psychic situation. She herself had some kind of inner figure who was a betrayer.
This is not as clear-cut as you may be thinking right now. I am not saying that my client had a tendency to betray other women.
Before I elaborate, take a moment to consider what it might mean that my client has an inner betrayer in herself.
The one whom my client betrays is herself. This was not the first time that it had happened. She had a habit of getting involved with women who ultimately betrayed her.
So, again even though my client dreamed about the truth of someone else, the person in her dream was twofold. The betrayer was both her friend in the objective world and herself as the inner betrayer.
In order for my client to stop attracting the kind of women who would betray her, she first had to resolve why she continually betrayed herself. This dynamic in my client had to do with the women in her family, which is something I will discuss in another post.
Charles Addams Cartoonist
The family milieu, is the model for the big world. The more intensely the family sets its stamp on the child, the more he will be emotionally inclined, as an adult, to see in the great world his former small world.C.G. Jung,Our families have a profound psychic impact on how we see and relate to the world. So deep is this impact, that people do not even know that their worldview isn’t even their own.
Simple examples of this are children who are raised in a strict vegetarian household growing up to be strict vegetarians, or, the children of fanatically religious parents growing up to be religious fanatics themselves.
People who have adopted their parents’ attitude often consider themselves to be self-examined adults, but this is rarely – if ever – the case. To the psychologically-minded outsider, this lack of self-reflection is very clear. If they are lucky, eventually, their true personality breaks through. An unconscious conflict arises in these people and they become anxious, depressed, or neurotic.
A negative mother complex manifests in all kinds of ways, from an inability to relate to women to unbearable feelings of bitterness, self-loathing, and lack of belonging in the world.
A woman who suffers from a negative mother complex will continue to be affected by that relationship until she realizes that terrible mother in herself. Now, I don’t mean that the woman herself is a literal terrible mother (though she certainly can be). I mean that the imprint of her mother is a psychological dynamic underlying her feelings of bitterness, self-loathing, and lack of belonging in the world. This complex is the reason behind her inability to relate to women.
Here’s an short dream example of a woman with a negative mother complex:
I dreamed that was climbing a mountain. I was carrying all of my things in my arms and my mother on my back.
Our fathers have different effects on our lives.
In general, the father represents your attitude toward life. An attitude is our normal point of reference toward life, how we respond to typical life events without even thinking about it. It can be both conscious and unconscious. Whatever your father represents has something to do with how you see, not only yourself, but also the world around you.
The father effectively superimposes a perspective on all aspects of life, and because of this, he can sometimes appear as an oppressive authority in dreams. However he appears, his power is insistence, whether conscious or not, on a particular way of being in the world and a refusal or inability to see or accept the possibility of change or difference.
So, whenever you dream of your father, ask yourself: what aspects of my father’s worldview dominate my own worldview? For example: Do you hear his voice of disapproval playing out in your head? The influence of the father could also be subtler. For example, it could be an overall feeling that nothing will ever work out for you.
It doesn’t matter if your father was a positive or a negative figure in your life. Eventually, you will have to break free from his influence and become your true self, with your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings about life.
So, consider this a basic introduction and answer to the question, what does it mean you dream about someone. If you want to know more about the people in your dreams, check out the posts in my category, Dreams About People. Always feel free to post a dream or ask a question.
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Hi, my name is jinkie.
I dreamt about my husband(Egyptian) that he lost in my hometown.and then I start to search him and when I’m calling him while I’m in the straight I shouted his name and I cried also.all my neighbor’s calling him .so he came back and tell me I answered you but didn’t hear me.I told him why you go alone and didn’t wait for me. He answered me because you fall asleep. Suddenly he lost again and my auntie and uncle help me to find him even they hired some police to find him and try to call his mobile number.I was crying so much.
That’s end of my dream
Hello. My name is Samantha. I keep a dream log, and got a few things to run by you. for some reason i’m always looking for the same person in my dreams. this person used to be mortal enemies with me until a little over a year ago. We decided to meet up and figure things out. I thought I would merely leave with knowing that there was no longer an issue from him towards me. Never did I think that the two of us would become so bonded and close afterwards. Also, he has a missing little brother who went missing in 2018. Which is when his life fell apart (lost his wife, his kids, everything he has known) and even though we hated each other- we would always find ourselves together when things were really going bad in either of our lives. Once we reconciled, I did whatever I could do to help. I fed him, I checked on him, I gave him a coat when it began getting cold, etc.
In on of my dreams, I was looking for him at some castle full of pennies. And everything was old. The castle, the pennies, All had moss and grass and spiders on em. once I found him. yeh asked me to come, go through pennies with him, and throw some with him too.
another instance, my dream was in the winter time (even though it was mid July) and I was trying to find him, But kept slipping on ice and busted my face open. I had blood in my eyes, and couldn’t see anything, but was still tryna find him to make sure he was okay.
then this- he went to Jail and I found a way to bail him out. However, when he got out, I wasn’t there for some reason but the law center called me to let me know he had been released. therefore, I went looking for him. I was on foot. And walked up on him beating someone up. I had to intervene and get him to come with me as we could hear sirens in the distance. we hid in some old ladies house and took a shower together. he told me I made him nervous and his mom tried paying me for getting him out of jail but I wouldn’t take any money.
last one- i had my ex, who is also the father of my children, (big man, around 250 and very hairy except for on top of his head) and someone who I was almost in a relationship with were dressed up like female prostitutes. (funniest site I have ever seen) they were luring in cops to bust them for soliciting prostitution, all in an attempt to find this same guy I’m always looking for because we thought they arrested him. but that’s as much of that dream as I remember
Hello Jesamine, thank you for thanking the time to read my comment. So, this is quite a confusing dream that I've had involving brothers that I've never had (I'm the only boy in the family).
I'm in the middle of a series of challenges (some sort of a Hunger Game-type of competition). I was anxious the whole time. When the challenge that I was on had completed, I returned "home" to this luxurious hill-side mansion with a pool and floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Super fancy and calming.
As I was headed to my "room" (I don't actually live there but somehow I knew where I was going in the dream), I came across 3 brothers (2 elder, 1 younger). We ended up cuddling as a group and I said to them, "I am so glad that I have found you." At that moment, I felt peaceful and protected. I also felt a sense of belonging, like a deep-seated yearning has finally been satisfied. Then, I headed out for my next challenge before waking up.
To add some context to the dream, I don't know or recognise any of the "brothers" in that dream, I don't have any brothers in real life, I'm not particularly close to my family and it felt like I have finally found my long-lost brothers (which isn't real, I don't have any long-lost brothers).
I would really appreciate if you could share your thoughts about this dream with my as I feel that it has a significant meaning or it is meant to have an important impact on my life, much like a dream that I've had about an unknown goddess. Thank you very much for your time.
I dream that I am in a city I don't know which one and I am trying to get my bearings as I don't know where I am. I have two people with me that I barely know, one is really bubbly and the other is quishy.
A restaurant appears in the next scene and we all spilt up. I start looking at ways to get back home, there is a bus but we can't get to it in time and I start to feel anxious.
I arrange to meet them there via text message and they both turn up after the bus has left. In the end I ask my mum if she can pick us up. She is only able to take me and the quiet woman and the bubbly one is able to get back to London.
hey, I keep dreaming about celebrities from the same boyband. sometimes they come in a group and sometimes individually. they are always my best friends. the other day suddenly I dreamt about one of them becoming a jerk and abandoning me and the rest of the group. what does this mean? the guy that abandoned is actually my favourite among all of them. why did I dream that he became a jerk?
Hi Melody, tell me what you were able to understand about this dream after you read the post. Ask a more specific question and I will try to help.
What does it mean to dream about kissing the poet Rumi lightly in greeting on the lips?
Well, as a lover of Rumi, to me this sounds like a positive dream image. Ultimately, it depends on how you see Rumi. Something in your unconscious is "like him" and wants to be closer to consciousness.