In the most basic terms, pregnancy dreams can mean that it’s time for you to re-imagine your life and trust in your potential.
In a sense pregnancy dreams mean that you are pregnant with possibility for your future, but in order to realize that possibility, you must take care in moving forward. These dreams are often precursors to dreams about babies. The dream reveals that something in you is in a state of gestation, but the question is, “what is it?” It could be something concrete, such as a business venture or some other creative project. A pregnancy dream could also refer to a transformation of your psychological attitude. And finally, a dream about being pregnant could be a signal of imminent spiritual awakening.
If you haven’t already read the introductory posts on Dream Interpretation and Deciphering Dream Meaning, you may find them to be a helpful start. Be sure that you have an understanding of dream symbolism. If you are already familiar with Jungian dream interpretation, then keep reading.
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Pregnancy dreams signal that something is in incubation. What is it? You may or may not know the answer immediately, but you can trust the dream image – especially if it comes after a time of creative, psychological, or emotional barrenness, so to speak. The dream image says, “Something is in the works.” Now, you should pay attention for clues about what that something is. For example, what have you been thinking about lately? Has something caught your attention? What does your heart want?
We are going to explore pregnancy dreams from a few different perspectives. When the dream speaks on a concrete or objective level, it often refers to projects you have in mind. On the psychological level, we look for opportunities for a change in your habitual attitude about life.
The third perspective on pregnancy dreams is spiritual. By spiritual, I do not mean anything religious. I am referring to an inner realization about the deeper meaning of life. This way of looking at the dream goes well beyond personal development or anything concrete. We are talking about real transformation, something which can transform your entire personality altogether.
Whatever it is, it is at an early stage of the process. As I said before, the dream could be referring to a creative or business project. If so, what are you working on or thinking about right now that’s still in a nascent state?
Pregnancy dreams can mean that you are moving in the right direction. If there is other scenery, people, or images in the dream, look at each one carefully and then make your associations to each image and amplify them in order to get to the archetypal meaning of the symbols. Watch for images in the dream that support the context of your idea or project. Be very honest with yourself here. Don’t do any free association because this allows your ego’s desire take over. If you are uncertain, then wait for follow-up dreams, and until then, trust this positive dream image.
If you do see confirmation, then my advice would be to continue moving forward in the direction of your current project. If you don’t see affirmation, you can still move forward, but do it slowly. Watch for either a confirmation or an objection signal from the unconscious. Reproachful or other objection dreams make it clear that we are headed down the wrong path.
Confirmation dreams let us know we are moving in the right direction.
For example, for my diploma thesis, I considered writing something about Alchemy. I had a deep interest in it, but I was not entirely comfortable undertaking it as a big writing project. I was having serious doubts about my capability because I couldn’t read Latin. Still, I continued to read translations and my interest piqued more and more. For some reason, I felt like I got it, but even so, I just couldn’t trust myself. Self-doubt is something from which many of us suffer. And this is part of my point with dreams. They can guide and support you when you need it.
Self-doubt causes us to make decisions based in fear. That kind of unproductive fear prevents us from moving forward in life, a dynamic which constellates neuroses. Neurotic fear keeps us down and only reassures our self-doubt.
So, I slowly continued with my dabbling in Alchemy. About 3 months later, I dreamed that I was pregnant. I knew it could possibly be pointing to my studies, but I got no real signs of that. The dream only said I was pregnant.
I started to delve deeper into the work and finally shared my ideas with two trusted mentors. A few weeks later, I had a dream where C.G Jung and I were working on deciphering an old Alchemical text. In the dream, I had a revelation about a symbol and shared it with Jung. He said to me, “That’s it! You’ve got it.” This is an example of a confirmation dream. You can see more examples of confirmation dreams in the post on Deciphering Dream Meaning.
Now, it’s wonderful that dreams will let you know to keep moving toward a goal. But I am always more intrigued by the deeply personal message of dreams. This dream spoke directly to my fear about not knowing Latin. It reinforced that my symbolic understanding was valid.
Pregnancy dreams do not have to refer to anything that you already have in mind. This dream image could also represent a future “coming to mind” of something.
Here’s what I mean. Have you ever had the feeling that something is in the air? The “winds of change are in the air” is a saying that describes this kind of feeling. Many people can easily miss this sort of vague feeling, but you can learn to sense it.
This kind of feeling is an intuitive sense that something is on the horizon. You can trust this feeling. Intuition is what Jung called an irrational function of consciousness and in his lexicon intuition an ability to sense possibility. Don’t be confused by use of the word irrational because in Jung’s analytical psychology an irrational function has a profound value. And by the way, the problem with intuitive types is a tendency to dwell in too much possibility! When you do this, nothing is ever born. So, be careful if this sounds like you.
Suppose you have felt an underlying urge to do something different in your life. Maybe you don’t know exactly what it is yet, but you get the feeling that you are ready for change. The dream would then be a reference to an undercurrent of something that is about to come into consciousness.
Consciousness is so much more than many think it is. For example, consciousness is not simply a brain state. This may sound strange at first, but try to think about the nature of consciousness as a self-existing field of awareness – field of infinite possibility.
The symbolic meaning of pregnancy dreams: Emergence of new levels of consciousness
The field of consciousness has a threshold. The threshold is the space between what is conscious and what is unconscious. When something crosses the threshold of consciousness, we become aware of it.
Thoughts, feelings, and emotions drift in and out of consciousness, but they do not disappear into nothingness. They just drop below the threshold of consciousness into the unconscious. For example, you know your friend’s phone number or birthday, but you aren’t always thinking about it. When you need it, you focus your attention on it and it comes right back into the field your awareness.
Now let’s consider where new thoughts and ideas come from. Think about a time when you were at a loss for a solution to a problem. No matter how much you tried to come up with something, you came up with nothing. What usually happens is that suddenly, when you are not so focused on the problem, you have a brilliant insight, and you can see your answer in full.
From where do such insights emerge?
What is really going on is that this whole solution had been gestating in the depths of your unconscious. Like child in the womb, it’s been weaving itself together down there long before you even knew you were going to get the information.
If you have had a pregnancy dream, then now that you know something is on the verge of emerging, you can write down everything that comes to mind or draws your attention to it. Keep a vision board or a journal. Watch for synchronicities in your life.
The symbolic meaning of pregnancy dreams: birth of a new perspective
A pregnancy dream could also refer to the emergence of an entirely new dimension of your personality.
Dreams like this often come after a long depression or devastating loss. Again, such a dream is a good indication that something in you is ready to be born or re-born. Take it as a good sign.
For example, I had been working with a woman for about three years. And though she appeared confident and was intelligent, deep, and wise beyond her years, she was having a really difficult time stepping out into the world. She did not believe in herself. Her chief complaints were feelings of worthlessness and extreme self-doubt.
Using her dreams as source material for getting to the bottom of her issues, we worked on one issue at a time. Her dreams were filled with unresolved inner and outer conflict. But suddenly, something shifted. The flavor of her dreams changed. There was less and less conflict and battle. She started feeling better. She did not even know why. There was no concrete reason, it was just the way she felt. Then she had the pregnancy dream.
A new life was forming in her, but it was clearly not an actual child. We both knew something was happening, even though there was nothing concrete in her life yet. She had been doing dream work long enough to know that she could trust this image. She was able to let go of fear and worry about figuring out what she was going to do with her life, and instead, watched for the next sign.
Eventually, something did happen. She remembered a long-brewing creative project and began working on it. Once she did this, all of the areas in her life that troubled her began to fall into place. She got a new job and things just started picking up for her. Within two years, her life was completely transformed. She was a new woman. The key here was that she stopped focusing on her fears and instead remained open to the possibility of something new coming into her life.
So, the question for you as the dreamer is, “what does the pregnancy dream mean for me right now?” You need to reflect deeply on that. What is happening in your life right now? What are the circumstances around your dream imagery? Can you get any clues? If not, stay open to new possibility. Don’t be restricted by your limited imagination. Life will offer you far more than you could ever imagine. You just have to be open to it.
This is the pregnancy dream of a 39-year-old woman who was unknowingly in the midst of intense spiritual awakening. It’s really a combination of a wedding and a pregnancy dream. We’ll cover wedding dreams in a separate post. For now just keep in mind that this is an inner union.
Our clues into the spiritual nature of the dream are the images of the church, the color white in combination with her pregnancy, the mysterious wedding, and the strange glow. When you have a pregnancy dream that takes on this kind of numinosity, you know that you are in the archetypal realm of the human spirit. In other words, you are moving outside of the field of time and personal achievement and into the eternal dimension of the soul.
Keep in mind the woman who had the dream. She had suffered the darkness, hopelessness, and despair. She lived through it and came out of it intact. At that point in her life, she was searching for its meaning. When you can find meaning in the darkness of your experiences, it has a purifying effect.
The imagery of the white wedding in association with the pregnancy is connected to the archetype of the Virgin Birth, which is the same as the Immaculate Conception. Now, this idea has been passed down from the Christian tradition as a miraculous, historical fact that happened only once. In truth, you find it in many traditions and stories, some of which were around long before the Christian version of it. It’s not a reference to a historical metaphysical fact. The Virgin Birth is a reference to the awakening of the spiritual life of the human being. That makes the kind of dream imagery above an archetypal dream.
In the dream, this wedding takes place in a “church of some kind”. This dream reference points you immediately away from the traditional image of a church. This is a reference to an inner Church. It’s a spiritual place within the soul of every human being.
The common thread in the Virgin Birth theme is that it depicts the birth of a god or demi-god.
In some traditions this experience is called enlightenment. We can also bring the images of white and the glow into association with enlightenment. What we need to realize is that the god being born is really ourselves. All that means is that we realize the eternal dimension within ourselves. Ultimately, all dream symbols emerge from this dimension. Each one is like a bridge that connects you to something within you that is far deeper, greater, and wiser than the limited ego.
If you can find your connection to this dimension, you are anchored in a center that will stabilize you through anything life throws your way. Your fears, worries, and concerns are still there, but they no longer feel so life threatening. In fact, you can even begin to find a deeper meaning to them. You start to see your troubles in life as part of your spiritual evolution.
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Hello, I've had two dreams within the last week about pregnancy. Both involved many of the same elements. My ex fiance is there in both of them, I'm in in the second or third trimester and the baby is a boy. I've been happy in both dreams, with the exception of a little bit of anxiety; as pregnancy in real life gave me both times ( I have two daughters) The background of the dream is white but featured a lot of people, like groups. We would be in like a hotel lobby or hospital lobby type of environment. In my daily life I think about him often and have had several dreams of him in the past but those were always about us arguing and getting back together or moving. I'm curious as to what these new dreams could mean and what to make of them.
Hi Jesamine,
Many thanks for your introduction to pregnancy dream. I just searched this brilliant article after I dreamed last night.
"In the dream, I found I was pregnant. As it's unplanned pregnancy, I felt nervous and worried. (I'm in a relationship but unmarried.) Then I took bus to a countryside village to visit a pair of seniors and seek for their feedback. They said my belly was large and was ready to give birth. They suggested me to go the hospital. I thought I should follow their suggestion but worried that I still had assignments in university to do. I was totally not ready to give birth.
I also found that my boyfriend changed his profile picture on social media to "My girlfriend is pregnant. I need urgent money!" I felt so ashamed when seeing this.
Then I returned home to discuss with my mother. I told her that my belly did not grow much and remembered that the pregnancy test result was negative at the very beginning. Then I said I should check again if I really was pregnant."
This is my dream last night. I'm 26 from Hong Kong, and I have just started my postgraduate degree in UK for a month after working in HK for few years. Maybe it's a big change and potential growth to me, but I am anxious about it? I'm not sure and hope you can give some feedback. Thank you.
Warm regards,
Hi Elaine, thank you for sharing your dream. My first suggestion would be to go back 9 months ago - what were you doing or planning? You have traveled to the countryside for advice from elders, which to me says that your unconscious sought unconventional wisdom, i.e., traditional wisdom. They tell you that are ready for this birth - but something in you is resisting it. You are going against nature. What do you resist in your life? Whatever it is, you are sacrificing it to the "University" mindset.
Your boyfriend cries out for money, which symbolically means "energy" or "life force". Somehow your inner masculine needs your attention. Look up "inner masculine" on the site and read about what he means for a woman.
Whatever the pregnancy symbolizes, your psyche says that you are ready for it. Don't be too quick to interpret your pregnancy dream as "your new post graduate studies". In the dream your pregnancy seems to hinder those studies. I think it's something else ... it would depend on whether your studies are related to your soul's passion.
I was looking for some insight and found your website. I dreamed I was pregnant (I'm not) and I knew the baby was a girl and would be born in November ("like my mother" I thought in the dream). She was pushing up on the left side of my belly and her form was very clear, so I called my husband to come feel her. We were in a very big spa with lots of pools and low lighting. I was also holding a friend's baby in my arms and needed to breastfeed but I couldn't do it and told my husband that we needed to find our friend as the baby was hungry and getting cranky. The dream felt very real especially when the baby moved. And we were so happy to be having a child. So thank you for this helpful information! :) Best regards.
Hi there, thanks for sharing. Would be great to hear what insights you had about this dream. It helps others...
Hello Jesamine,
Certainly I can share some insights. There are a few! It could be about work. If the baby in the dream is due in November then it would have been conceived in February. That was the last month I taught my classes because in early March the country went into lockdown. So something about work is in gestation (dark pools of water) until November (I am very much in transition regarding work).
The friend who's baby I was holding in the dream is also connected to work and is someone who's career I had nurtured for many years because I very much enjoyed her work. But it seems, from the dream at least, that I can no longer nurture her career (her baby) and must find her to return her "baby" to her.
On the other hand, since my husband and I were together in the dream and very happy to be expecting a baby girl, I am guessing it is something we are creating together. While we have been trying to conceive for years, we are now getting older so I don't know if this dream is truly about pregnancy (and at this point it would be impossible to deliver a child in November unless we conceive in November which would be the birth of a new chapter). But he is very much a co-creator in my work life as well, so we will have to wait until November to see the birth of our creation ... whatever it may be!
Also, the baby's form was very clear as I mentioned in the dream, which in reality, would indicate the pregnancy is much further along than three months but we did install a plant purifying system (we live in nature) in February and it's growing very well.
The baby is female though, as mentioned in the dream, so maybe it's my female inner child being reborn.
Those are my insights. I'd be happy to know if you have any others you can add to the interpretation!
Thanks very much.
Kind regards, JKM
Thank you so much for sharing your insights. As Jung said in his Dream Seminars, whenever we dream of someone who is in our immediate environment, we have to look at the person from both perspectives: objective and subjective. So in your case, it would be good to consider your "protégé", as well as your husband, as parts of your own psyche. If you were psychologically holding on to this young woman in some fashion, then your analysis is spot on. However, if she has already left your guardianship, then you would take her and her child as a soul figures. To let me go would be let go and trust that something in your inner feminine is transforming.
Same would go for your husband. Is it objective, as you said, or is it also subjective - in which case, check out what I have written on the inner masculine.
The image of you and your husband in the bath is very intriguing. This is alchemical and suggests that something very deep is going on between you two.
This quote even speaks of the "child" - amazing.
So much more to explore for you. Just keep this in mind should anything happen that "upsets" you or your "status quo". It should be considered part of the dissolution, a sort of night sea journey. The whole process is sacred, as we see from the holy bird between the two. You will rise from it, no matter what.
Hello Jesamine,
Your insights were very intuitive and intriguing.
The dissolution/solution found in sacred waters is so beautiful in so many mysterious ways.
On the manifest level, the conscious dissolution of a two-part project we started eight years ago, began last year and I believe the biggest part of the dissolution is happening this year. It's been slow and gradual so we are both ready to let it go now... maybe it'll be completely dissolved by November... Or perhaps the solution is the baby growing in the belly that will arrive in November...
The image is very symbolic too! We are actually in the process of building an outdoor tub and yesterday we took our first dip in the sea. So maybe all these pools of water (in all dream states) are symbolic of the amniotic fluid...
The holy bird brings up the three-fold flame of the heart. "The heart is the first physical manifestation of the fetus to grow within the mother's womb. The heart is the repository for the flame of God. This flame is the essence of God, blazing within our physical form."
Thank you for your insights. They have given me so much more to consider and have deepened my understanding of the dream. I really appreciate it.
Kindest regards,
I would like to thank these site because it strike my heart and mind the nearest meaning of my dreams that almost 90% true.Keep it up.
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