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The symbolic meaning of seeing someone pregnant in a dream

In Dreams about people by Jesamine8 Comments

What does it mean if you keep seeing someone pregnant in a dream, as in seeing someone else pregnant?  Symbolically speaking, pregnancy means something is developing.  Psychologically speaking, that something is in a state of potential. Think of seeing someone pregnant in a dream as a symbolic pregnancy in your unconscious.  It’s a pregnancy in a part of yourself of …

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Pregnancy dreams and what they symbolize for your life

In Dream meaning by Jesamine Mello10 Comments

Many people come to me with this question: “I dreamed I was pregnant, what does it  mean?”  While I can never immediately answer what it means specifically, I can say a few things about the possible meaning of pregnancy dreams. In the most basic terms, pregnancy dreams can mean that it’s time for you to re-imagine your life and trust …