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Snake Bite Dreams
Snake bite dreams have something specific to say about your personality and the way in which you live your life. As a dream symbol, the snake means something from beyond has penetrated your awareness.
Snake bite dreams let you know in no uncertain terms that it’s time to wake up and pay attention to something that you have been neglecting or to something on your horizon.
Is its venom healing or harmful? It can be either one, so don't assume it's always bad for you. Even if the snake bite causes your hand to rot off, still, treat the dream image as something from which you can learn.
In this post we'll look at an example of a snake bite dream, along with an in-depth interpretation. Remember that dream interpretations will vary according to the dreamer's situation. Looking at dream examples is a really good way to get an idea of how to go about interpreting dreams of snakes biting you.
I don't tell you what to think about your dreams, but rather, how to think about your dreams.
Possible meanings of snake bite dreams
In terms of something you might be neglecting, dreams of snakes biting you could be saying: you are neglecting your instinctual life. As you will see later, this could point to something you are suppressing, such as sexuality.
Dreams of snakes biting you could also be initiatory dreams, indicating some kind of profound transformation in your life, something I'll show you in another dream example.
Snake bite dreams can sometimes tell us where we have become stuck in our lives, indicating something that we must change about ourselves.
Dreams abut snakes can also be a symbol for coming to terms with and healing an old wound.
Snake Bite Dreams and Typical Dream Dictionaries
Too many dream sites and dream dictionaries say negative things about snake dreams. Don't pay too much attention to that. As with any of your dreams, the meaning of snake bite dreams depends on your current life situation, something which always includes your attitude toward life.
In addition to your life situation, you also have to consider your general associations to snakes. For some people, snakes are wonderful creatures and to others, they are frightening.
To get to the deeper meaning of a dream about snakes biting you, you need to know something about the archetypal symbolism of the snake.
As I said in the post about serpent and snake symbolism, the snake is an extremely old symbol, and as such, it has many different meanings and attributes. Any of these attributes could be behind the meaning of dreams about snakes biting you.
The most important thing to remember is:
Snake bite dreams are attempts to get your attention
General Snake Symbolism
rebirth out of death
renewal of life
Emergent life energy
Mother archetype
eternal life
lunar wisdom
Instinctual Wisdom
How to interpret dreams about snakes biting you
Reflections on your snake bite dream
The first thing you want to do after you have a dream about snakes biting you is take down notes. Record everything you can remember about the dream. Hopefully, you are already keeping a dream journal where you record your daily life events. This helps you keep track of your conscious situation and your general attitude about life.
Questions to ask about snake bite dreams
Where on your body is the snake biting you?
Under what conditions is the snake biting you?
Describe the scene in as much detail as possible.
What color is the snake?
Are there any current or significant life events?
Examples of dreams about snakes biting you
Dream of a young woman
Dream of snakes biting legs and body
I am sleeping on the living room floor and my cat is sitting on me. Many black snakes are biting on my legs and body. I am unable to move. My cat seems to protect me, but the snakes still bite me.
Generally speaking, snakes in dreams can symbolize something: we have rejected, do not know, or have forgotten about ourselves. Anything that falls under this category can include positive or negative qualities.
Looking at a snake bite dream: the dreamer’s situation
One year prior to the dream the dreamer had suffered a brutal attack from a boyfriend whom she was trying to leave.
As a result of that attack, she had since distrusted men and avoided sexuality.
The woman's reaction is totally understandable. She needed time to heal herself, so she withdrew from her normal life.
However, if we stay for too long in a withdrawn state, it becomes unhealthy. Our normal life is disrupted. Prudent caution turns into paranoia. Self-preservation becomes isolating. A once vital, sexually active woman is now cold as a snake.
Here we can say a little about our instinctual nature: it wants to live freely! When we put unnecessary restraints ourselves, it causes problems.
Snake bite dream: the color black
In snake dreams, the color of the snake is significant. In the dream of the woman, the snakes are black. Their blackness could indicate that something is coming out of the darkest depths of the unconscious.
This doesn't necessarily mean something negative or evil. Darkness simply means really unconscious and something really unknown.
In this case, it seems to be something instinctual, perhaps related to two things: feminine instinct and sexual instinct, both of which have been thwarted by a traumatizing experience.
Snake bite dream: a dream interpretation
Now let's look at the context of this snake dream: she is sleeping on the floor with her loving cat, who's there to protect her, but yet the snakes still bite her. In addition to that is her inability to move.
Cats are profoundly deep, highly intelligent, and exquisitely affectionate creatures. They are very sensitive to the emotions of their human companions and will offer comfort in times of need. These thoughtful, purring medicine kitties will do things such as lie on your belly if it hurts or across your chest if you are sad. It is possible that their ability to tap into and calm humans in times of stress is why cats were once worshipped as gods who could ward off evil.
That she cannot move in the dream, combined with the cat who's there to protect her, suggests that she must be subjected to the biting snakes.
If you translate that into psychological language, it looks something like this: something in her wants to be realized. By realized I mean two things. One is that she must become conscious. The other is that she must do something concrete.
Symbolically speaking, sleeping typically means a state of unconsciousness. In a dream this can mean that you are unconscious of something about yourself. It be a quality you could realized, but don't know you have, for example, an artistic quality.
Sleeping can also symbolize that you are unaware of how your attitude affects your life or the life of those around you.
And finally, sleeping could symbolize that a crucial part of yourself is asleep.
In the case of our dreamer, you can probably see two correlations: the young woman's sexuality has been put to sleep and she is unaware of how this attitude affects her life.
In addition to that, I want to remind you that she now has a general fear of men. A general fear means that we no longer have access to our instinctual awareness about whom we should and should not fear.
Instinctual awareness is the wisdom of the body, something many people have lost access to. Because of this people get themselves into dangerous situations, such as stepping into an elevator with a stranger, when your body says, "don't do it".
Snake Dreams and Sexuality
If I had to make a guess, I'd say that the association between snake dreams and sexuality is probably the first that people make. Generally speaking it's a bit over-rated, not to mention cliche.
Snakes can certainly symbolize sexuality, but that’s really only a small aspect of their general symbolism – and the sexual aspect is only relevant in certain cultures.
However, with that said, given the dreamer's conscious situation and the fact that she had suppressed her sexuality - sexuality is relevant in this snake dream.
Snake bite dreams and Denial of Our Instincts
Anything we reject or deny about ourselves - especially something as natural as our sexuality - will have a negative impact on our lives. When you deny it or suppress it for too long, then some part of you is psychologically dead or dying.
Whenever we deny something to the point of psychological death, the unconscious will often take on a dangerous image, such as that of a snake biting you. Again,the dream wants to get your attention, so do not be afraid of the image. Be thankful for it.

William Blake - The Temptation and Fall of Eve (Illustration to Milton's Paradise Lost)
Sexuality is ultimately about relatedness. People who deny or suppress their sexuality can be as cold as snakes. They lack a certain kind of warmth and vitality to their personalities.
I have also noticed a general lack of intimacy in them, even in their close friendships. Relationships seem to exist only at the surface level.
Sexuality is part of our instinctive life force, meaning that it needs an outlet for its expression. To repeat, when you deny your instinctive life then in dreams, snakes may strike or chase you, crawl inside your mouth, or appear in some other aggressive form.
Back to our snake bite dream
The above snake bite dream is an indication that her instinctual energy is coming back to life. The presence of her cat means that it's safe to let this happen.
Also, consider that in the dream, she's not in the bed, but on the floor of her living room. A living room can be a general reference about how one lives life, that is, it's a reference for a general attitude about life.
The dream is not necessarily about sex per se, but rather sexuality coming back to life. Also, the snakes bite her legs and body, indicating that her body is waking up after recovering from a traumatic attack.
To bring this part of herself back into life is to come into contact with another attribute of the snake: renewal and rebirth.
Snake Bite Dreams: Shedding the past
A snake can shed its skin, and thus symbolically shed its past.
Related to our current dreamer, can she shed the past and become renewed?
Again, the presence of her cat (typically a symbol of femininity) suggests that it’s safe to let this process begin.
Another question she could ask herself is: as I emerge from this terrible phase of my life, how can I be reborn?
This kind of question is essential for anyone who wants to live a life beyond trauma. If we truly want to live, then we absolutely cannot let trauma define us. I go so far as to say that you should let go of the whole victim/survivor mindset.
Reconnecting with innate wisdom of the body
As I mentioned earlier, this dream about snakes biting could be connected to her general fear of men. She has something to learn from her terrible encounter - a tragic way to learn, no doubt. But to let it stain her entire outlook on men is not the answer.
Snakes can represent the wisdom of the body to react appropriately in dangerous situations. This is the true wisdom of the instincts.
Related to the wisdom of our instincts, this dream could indicate the possibility of a reconnection to her instincts as a woman. As women, all of us need to listen to the wisdom of our body.
Go with your gut in certain situations. I mentioned this earlier: if your body signals that something is unsafe about a situation, get out of that situation immediately and don’t let your mind talk you out of it.
Snake Bite Dreams: The Meaning of Specific Body Parts
Now, let’s look at the possible meanings of snakes biting you on specific parts of your body.
Whenever you have a dream of a snake biting you somewhere specific, such as the hand or the foot, you need to know the symbolism of that body part.
Of course, any dream meaning will vary depending on your circumstances and conscious attitude, but I'll show you some general guidelines on interpreting these kinds of snake bite dreams.
So, let's start with a dream about snakes biting your hand. Before look at the dream, let's look at the general symbolism and associations with our hands.
Dreams of snakes biting your hand
Our hands can express ideas of action, power, dominion, resistance, and fear. As the primary instruments of our creative activity, our hands represent our human evolution.
Our opposable thumbs coincided with the evolution of our brain, making it possible for us to grasp things and thus make tools.
Hands are a direct expression of our level of consciousness. Whatever we can imagine, we can bring to life with our hands. In many mythologies, the hands of the gods and goddesses shaped and molded the earth and all things which arise out of it.
Some of our idiomatic expressions illustrate the symbolic manner in which someone wields power:
- Someone with a slight of hand is a trickster.
- A person who is evenhanded is fair and impartial.
- If you are underhanded, you have an intention to deceive.
- Single-handed means to accomplish something on your own.
If you have a dream about snake biting you on the hand, then you need to take into account, everything that the hand means.
Do some honest self-reflection. How capable are your own hands?
Can you bring into life that which you imagine? How do you wield your personal power?
Feel free to post your dreams about snakes biting your hands in the comment section below.
Dreams about Snakes Biting Your Foot
Dreams about snakes biting your foot have some mythological references, probably the most notable being from the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis.
Jung told a story about one of a 27-year old army officer who came to analysis complaining of attacks of pain in the heart region, a choking sensation in his throat, and piercing pains in his heel, for which no organic cause to be found. The pain in his heel was so bad that he had a difficult time walking, resulting in his exemption from the military.
He gave the impression of having a cheerful, rather light-hearted nature, perhaps a bit on the tough side, as though saying theatrically: “You can’t keep us down.” As the anamnesis revealed nothing, I asked about his dreams. It at once became apparent what the cause was.Just before the beginning of his neurosis the girl with whom he was in love jilted him and got engaged to another man. In talking to me he dismissed this whole story as irrelevant—“a stupid girl, if she doesn’t want me it’s easy enough to get another one. A man like me isn’t upset by a thing like that.”
That was the way he treated his disappointment and his real grief. But now the affects came to the surface. The pains in his heart soon disappeared, and the lump in his throat vanished after a few bouts of weeping. “Heartache” is a poeticism, but here it became an actual fact because his pride would not allow him to suffer the pain in his soul. The “lump in the throat,” the so-called globus hystericus, comes, as everyone knows, from swallowed tears.
His consciousness had simply withdrawn from contents that were too painful to him, and these, left to themselves, could reach consciousness only indirectly, as symptoms. All this was a rationally understandable and perfectly intelligible process, which could just as well have passed off consciously, had it not been for his masculine pride.C.G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
Snake Bite Dreams: Snake Bites in Mythology
The mysterious part of this case was the pain in the heel, which had still not been resolved. Shortly after, the man had a dream where he'd been bitten in the heel by a snake and instantly paralyzed.
In this snake bite dream, the snake bite symbolizes the meaning of his heel pain. And what about the snake?
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.Book of Genesis
As Jung said, "when the girl jilted him, she gave him a wound which paralyzed him and made him ill." Further analysis revealed something more about this man.
This tough guy had been thoroughly babied by his mother, making him an object of ridicule in school. In other words, he was a proverbial Mama's Boy. To compensate for this, he swung to the other side and became a Macho Man. So, in a sense, his mother had also lamed him.
In this man's case, the snake symbolizes that the women in his life had caused him pain.
There is also an Egyptian myth where Isis put a snake in the path of the great god, Ra, in order to bring him down from power. This isn't to say that women are as treacherous as snakes. The dream is simply a fragment of an old mythological motif.
The unconscious speaks in this old motifs in order to get us to reflect on our lives. Once the man realized where he need to work in his life, then his healing could begin.
Being a macho man without feeling doesn't serve his psychological development. He needs to feel his feelings, which included not only experiencing the grief caused by his break-up, but also the grief caused by his childhood ridicule.
So, I think I have given you a lot to work with here. If you dream of snakes biting you on some other part of your body, use these dream interpretations to help you explore its meaning.
Snake Bite Dreams
Snake bite dreams have something specific to say about your personality and the way in which you live your life. As a dream symbol, dreams about snakes mean that something from beyond has penetrated your awareness.
Snake bite dreams let you know in no uncertain terms that it’s time to wake up and pay attention to something that you have been neglecting or to something on your horizon.
Is its venom healing or harmful? It can be either one, so don’t assume it’s always bad for you. Even if the snake bite causes your hand to rot off, still, treat the dream image as something from which you can learn.
In this post we’ll look at an example of a snake bite dream, along with an in-depth dream interpretation. Remember that dream interpretations will vary according to the dreamer’s situation. Looking at dream examples is a really good way to get an idea of how to go about interpreting dreams of snakes biting you.
I don’t tell you what to think about your dreams, but rather, I want to show you how to think about your dreams. I recommend reading the intro posts on Dream Interpretation and Dream Meaning in order to get a good foundation for understanding your dreams.
Possible meanings of snake bite dreams
In terms of something you might be neglecting, dreams of snakes biting you could be saying: you are neglecting your instinctual life. As you will see later, this could point to something you are suppressing, such as sexuality.
Dreams of snakes biting you could also be initiatory dreams, indicating some kind of profound transformation in your life, something I’ll show you in another dream example.
Snake bite dreams can sometimes tell us where we have become stuck in our lives, indicating something that we must change about ourselves.
Dreams abut snakes can also be a symbol for coming to terms with and healing an old wound.
Snake Bite Dreams and Typical Dream Dictionaries
Too many dream sites and dream dictionaries say negative things about snake dreams. Don’t pay too much attention to that. As with any of your dreams, the meaning of snake bite dreams depends on your current life situation, something which always includes your attitude toward life.
In addition to your life situation, you also have to consider your general associations to snakes. For some people, snakes are wonderful creatures and to others, they are frightening.
To get to the deeper meaning of a dream about snakes biting you, you need to know something about the archetypal symbolism of the snake.
As I said in the post about serpent and snake symbolism, the snake is an extremely old symbol, and as such, it has many different meanings and attributes. Any of these attributes could be behind the meaning of dreams about snakes biting you.
The most important thing to remember is:
Snake bite dreams are attempts to get your attention (article continues below)
General Snake Symbolism
[/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][cs_element_row _id=”28″][cs_element_column _id=”29″][cs_element_text _id=”30″][/cs_element_column][cs_element_column _id=”31″][cs_element_text _id=”32″][/cs_element_column][cs_element_column _id=”33″][cs_element_text _id=”34″][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=”38″][cs_element_row _id=”39″][cs_element_column _id=”40″]How to interpret dreams about snakes biting you
[/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][cs_element_row _id=”47″][cs_element_column _id=”48″]Reflections on your snake bite dream
The first thing you want to do after you have a dream about snakes biting you is take down notes. Record everything you can remember about the dream. Hopefully, you are already keeping a dream journal where you record your daily life events. This helps you keep track of your conscious situation and your general attitude about life.
While you don’t have to spend a lot (like this really nice one to the left), you should invest something in your journal. You can go for something like a mixed media art journal and then use a decoupage technique to decorate it. I prefer something with thick paper so I can paint (something like these Artist Gouache paints)or use markers in it.
Questions to ask about snake bite dreams
Where on your body is the snake biting you?
Under what conditions is the snake biting you?
Describe the scene in as much detail as possible.
What color is the snake?
Are there any current or significant life events?
Examples of dreams about snakes biting you
Dream of a young woman
Dream of snakes biting legs and body
I am sleeping on the living room floor and my cat is sitting on me. Many black snakes are biting on my legs and body. I am unable to move. My cat seems to protect me, but the snakes still bite me.
Generally speaking, snakes in dreams can symbolize something: we have rejected, do not know, or have forgotten about ourselves. Anything that falls under this category can include positive or negative qualities.
Looking at a snake bite dream: the dreamer’s situation
One year prior to the dream the dreamer had suffered a brutal attack from a boyfriend whom she was trying to leave.
As a result of that attack, she had since distrusted men and avoided sexuality.
The woman’s reaction is totally understandable. She needed time to heal herself, so she withdrew from her normal life.
However, if we stay for too long in a withdrawn state, it becomes unhealthy. Our normal life is disrupted. Prudent caution turns into paranoia. Self-preservation becomes isolating. A once vital, sexually active woman is now cold as a snake.
Here we can say a little about our instinctual nature: it wants to live freely! When we put unnecessary restraints ourselves, it causes problems.
Snake bite dream: the color black
In snake dreams, the color of the snake is significant. In the dream of the woman, the snakes are black. Their blackness could indicate that something is coming out of the darkest depths of the unconscious.
This doesn’t necessarily mean something negative or evil. Darkness simply means really unconscious and something really unknown.
In this case, it seems to be something instinctual, perhaps related to two things: feminine instinct and sexual instinct, both of which have been thwarted by a traumatizing experience.
Snake bite dream: a dream interpretation
Now let’s look at the context of this snake dream: she is sleeping on the floor with her loving cat, who’s there to protect her, but yet the snakes still bite her. In addition to that is her inability to move.
Cats are profoundly deep, highly intelligent, and exquisitely affectionate creatures. They are very sensitive to the emotions of their human companions and will offer comfort in times of need. These thoughtful, purring medicine kitties will do things such as lie on your belly if it hurts or across your chest if you are sad.
It is possible that their ability to tap into and calm humans in times of stress is why in Egypt, cats (in the form of Bastet) were once worshiped as gods who could ward off evil.
That she cannot move in the dream, combined with the cat who’s there to protect her, suggests that she must be subjected to the biting snakes.
If you translate that into psychological language, it looks something like this: something in her wants to be realized. By realized I mean two things. One is that she must become conscious. The other is that she must do something concrete.
Symbolically speaking, sleeping typically means a state of unconsciousness. In a dream this can mean that you are unconscious of something about yourself. It be a quality you could realized, but don’t know you have, for example, an artistic quality.Sleeping can also symbolize that you are unaware of how your attitude affects your life or the life of those around you.
And finally, sleeping could symbolize that a crucial part of yourself is asleep.
In the case of our dreamer, you can probably see two correlations: the young woman’s sexuality has been put to sleep and she is unaware of how this attitude affects her life.
In addition to that, I want to remind you that she now has a general fear of men. A general fear means that we no longer have access to our instinctual awareness about whom we should and should not fear.
Instinctual awareness is the wisdom of the body, something many people have lost access to. Because of this people get themselves into dangerous situations, such as stepping into an elevator with a stranger, when your body says, “don’t do it”.
Snake Dreams and Sexuality
If I had to make a guess, I’d say that the association between snake dreams and sexuality is probably the first that people make. Generally speaking it’s a bit over-rated, not to mention cliche.
Snakes can certainly symbolize sexuality, but that’s really only a small aspect of their general symbolism – and the sexual aspect is only relevant in certain cultures.
However, with that said, given the dreamer’s conscious situation and the fact that she had suppressed her sexuality – sexuality is relevant in this snake dream.
Snake bite dreams and Denial of Our Instincts
Anything we reject or deny about ourselves – especially something as natural as our sexuality – will have a negative impact on our lives. When you deny it or suppress it for too long, then some part of you is psychologically dead or dying.
Whenever we deny something to the point of psychological death, the unconscious will often take on a dangerous image, such as that of a snake biting you. Again,the dream wants to get your attention, so do not be afraid of the image. Be thankful for it.

William Blake – The Temptation and Fall of Eve (Illustration to Milton’s Paradise Lost)
Sexuality is ultimately about relatedness. People who deny or suppress their sexuality can be as cold as snakes. They lack a certain kind of warmth and vitality to their personalities.
I have also noticed a general lack of intimacy in them, even in their close friendships. Relationships seem to exist only at the surface level.
Sexuality is part of our instinctive life force, meaning that it needs an outlet for its expression. To repeat, when you deny your instinctive life then in dreams, snakes may strike or chase you, crawl inside your mouth, or appear in some other aggressive form.
Back to our snake bite dream
The above snake bite dream is an indication that her instinctual energy is coming back to life. The presence of her cat means that it’s safe to let this happen.
Also, consider that in the dream, she’s not in the bed, but on the floor of her living room. A living room can be a general reference about how one lives life, that is, it’s a reference for a general attitude about life.
The dream is not necessarily about sex per se, but rather sexuality coming back to life. Also, the snakes bite her legs and body, indicating that her body is waking up after recovering from a traumatic attack.
To bring this part of herself back into life is to come into contact with another attribute of the snake: renewal and rebirth.
Snake Bite Dreams: Shedding the past
A snake can shed its skin, and thus symbolically shed its past.
Related to our current dreamer, can she shed the past and become renewed?
Again, the presence of her cat (typically a symbol of femininity) suggests that it’s safe to let this process begin.
Another question she could ask herself is: as I emerge from this terrible phase of my life, how can I be reborn?
This kind of question is essential for anyone who wants to live a life beyond trauma. If we truly want to live, then we absolutely cannot let trauma define us. I go so far as to say that you should let go of the whole victim/survivor mindset.
Reconnecting with innate wisdom of the body
As I mentioned earlier, this dream about snakes biting could be connected to her general fear of men. She has something to learn from her terrible encounter – a tragic way to learn, no doubt. But to let it stain her entire outlook on men is not the answer.
Snakes can represent the wisdom of the body to react appropriately in dangerous situations. This is the true wisdom of the instincts.
Related to the wisdom of our instincts, this dream could indicate the possibility of a reconnection to her instincts as a woman. As women, all of us need to listen to the wisdom of our body.
Go with your gut in certain situations. I mentioned this earlier: if your body signals that something is unsafe about a situation, get out of that situation immediately and don’t let your mind talk you out of it.
Snake Bite Dreams: The Meaning of Specific Body Parts
[/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][cs_element_row _id=”64″][cs_element_column _id=”65″]Now, let’s look at the possible meanings of snakes biting you on specific parts of your body.
Whenever you have a dream of a snake biting you somewhere specific, such as the hand or the foot, you need to know the symbolism of that body part.
Of course, any dream meaning will vary depending on your circumstances and conscious attitude, but I’ll show you some general guidelines on interpreting these kinds of snake bite dreams.
So, let’s start with a dream about snakes biting your hand. Before look at the dream, let’s look at the general symbolism and associations with our hands.
Dreams of snakes biting your hand
Our hands can express ideas of action, power, dominion, resistance, and fear. As the primary instruments of our creative activity, our hands represent our human evolution.
Our opposable thumbs coincided with the evolution of our brain, making it possible for us to grasp things and thus make tools.
Hands are a direct expression of our level of consciousness. Whatever we can imagine, we can bring to life with our hands. In many mythologies, the hands of the gods and goddesses shaped and molded the earth and all things which arise out of it.
Some of our idiomatic expressions illustrate the symbolic manner in which someone wields power:
- Someone with a slight of hand is a trickster.
- A person who is evenhanded is fair and impartial.
- If you are underhanded, you have an intention to deceive.
- Single-handed means to accomplish something on your own.
If you have a dream about snake biting you on the hand, then you need to take into account, everything that the hand means.
Do some honest self-reflection. How capable are your own hands?
Can you bring into life that which you imagine? How do you wield your personal power?
Feel free to post your dreams about snakes biting your hands in the comment section below.
Dreams about Snakes Biting Your Foot
Dreams about snakes biting your foot have some mythological references, probably the most notable being from the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis.
Jung told a story about one of a 27-year old army officer who came to analysis complaining of attacks of pain in the heart region, a choking sensation in his throat, and piercing pains in his heel, for which no organic cause to be found. The pain in his heel was so bad that he had a difficult time walking, resulting in his exemption from the military.
He gave the impression of having a cheerful, rather light-hearted nature, perhaps a bit on the tough side, as though saying theatrically: “You can’t keep us down.” As the anamnesis revealed nothing, I asked about his dreams. It at once became apparent what the cause was.Just before the beginning of his neurosis the girl with whom he was in love jilted him and got engaged to another man. In talking to me he dismissed this whole story as irrelevant—“a stupid girl, if she doesn’t want me it’s easy enough to get another one. A man like me isn’t upset by a thing like that.”
That was the way he treated his disappointment and his real grief. But now the affects came to the surface. The pains in his heart soon disappeared, and the lump in his throat vanished after a few bouts of weeping. “Heartache” is a poeticism, but here it became an actual fact because his pride would not allow him to suffer the pain in his soul. The “lump in the throat,” the so-called globus hystericus, comes, as everyone knows, from swallowed tears.
His consciousness had simply withdrawn from contents that were too painful to him, and these, left to themselves, could reach consciousness only indirectly, as symptoms. All this was a rationally understandable and perfectly intelligible process, which could just as well have passed off consciously, had it not been for his masculine pride.C.G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
Snake Bite Dreams: Snake Bites in Mythology
The mysterious part of this case was the pain in the heel, which had still not been resolved. Shortly after, the man had a dream where he’d been bitten in the heel by a snake and instantly paralyzed.
In this snake bite dream, the snake bite symbolizes the meaning of his heel pain. And what about the snake?
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.Book of Genesis
As Jung said, “when the girl jilted him, she gave him a wound which paralyzed him and made him ill.” Further analysis revealed something more about this man.
This tough guy had been thoroughly babied by his mother, making him an object of ridicule in school. In other words, he was a proverbial Mama’s Boy. To compensate for this, he swung to the other side and became a Macho Man. So, in a sense, his mother had also lamed him.
In this man’s case, the snake symbolizes that the women in his life had caused him pain.
There is also an Egyptian myth where Isis put a snake in the path of the great god, Ra, in order to bring him down from power. This isn’t to say that women are as treacherous as snakes. The dream is simply a fragment of an old mythological motif.
The unconscious speaks in these old motifs in order to get us to reflect on our lives. Once the man realized where he need to work in his life, then his healing could begin.
Being a macho man without feeling doesn’t serve his psychological development. He needs to feel his feelings, which included not only experiencing the grief caused by his break-up, but also the grief caused by his childhood ridicule.
So, I think I have given you a lot to work with here. If you dream of snakes biting you on some other part of your body, use these dream interpretations to help you explore its meaning.
- Hidden Meaning in Dreams About Flying: A Jungian Analysis - December 17, 2023
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- What your dreams are telling you about your life - October 27, 2023
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My dream was simple. There were other people there, 2 possibly 3. I don’t know who. I remember a king Cobra biting my right hand and I was squeezing its head, like my fingers were in its mouth and the rest of my hand curled into a fist squeezing the cobras head. The next thing I remember was looking at my hand. 2 or 3 fingers were gone, the stumps were healed and I didn’t know what happened to the Cobra. I was waiting to die when I woke up because I was pretty sure. Cobra’s bite should kill me.… Read more »
Hi! I had a weird dream yesterday. I was somewhere (not a place I know) there were people there and someone took her snake from a tree and gave it to me to hold it. I though it was fine but out of the sudden the snake bites me in arm near my hand but not by the palm but the other side and leaves some little but deep holes in it. I get to, I think, my grandmother house and she takes out tweezers and starts to take out something out of the holes, I could feel my skin… Read more »
Last night I dreamt that a small (less than a foot long) black snake bit my left hand three times as I was trying to save kittens from being bitten by it. Initially, my hand started turning black, but as I searched (unsuccessfully) for a hospital for treatment, it returned to normal.
I’m writing this because i had a dream just now about this & its 5 am in the morning now, i was at home & i started hearing snake sounds i followed the sound & in another room my family members are try to kill the snake but the snake manages to escape & bite me on my right foot & the strange thing igg tht just levitated & bit me , IMPORTANT & strange thing was i saw an ancient book saying egyptian snake & something more which i can’t remember & then my ex girlfriend appears , but… Read more »
I have dreamt about snakes before and the first time the dream turned out to be an active warning about a betrayal. The more recent dream however I am unsure. In this new dream I am in my old neighbourhood with my current partner and his brother it’s the middle of summer and I start to notice many brown snakes appearing on the foot paths as I am returned from collecting native insects. I walk around the snakes at an arms length and as I get close to the house and meet up with the boys a large brown starts… Read more »
In my dream I was in a house(old childhood home)running from snakes(copper heads and rattle snakes). I was terrified,so I ran into the bathroom,shutting the door behind me and jumped into the tub. The snakes still got in and one of them bit me on the hand then they disappeared. Both types were venomous but nothing happened to me,I just had the snake bite on the side palm of my left hand. This is the first time I have had this type of dream.
I don’t remember much about the dream, I remember feeling the snake bite, I never saw the snake, but I looked down at my hand and I saw the fang marks. I knew I wasn’t poisoned which makes no sense but I felt confused. That’s all I remember. This is the fourth dream I’ve had about being bitten by a snake. Any interpretation?
yes, you can find an analysis in the post. 🙏
I dreamed I was in my bedroom with a man cuddling me. We were sweet and just laughing at each other, enjoying each other. I don’t know this man. There is a snake that entered the room, it was not that big but it looks aggressive and is about to attack anytime. It was a blue, dark shade of blue snake. I got afraid. Then it finally bit me on the left side of my neck first. I saw that it had a hard time burying or pressing its fangs on my neck. I tried to remove it from my… Read more »
Hey, in my dream i saw 3 black small snakes, then i remember these r the snakes from my earlier dream, in that dream i have taken these snakes out from somewhere and kept it in a open box with mud and wanted to leave them far away because snakes are dangerous. Then in present dream i saw these snakes coming out of box, started to follow me to bite and iam running away from them, then in one point i sat down and let them bite me. It felt like 2 snakes are biting on my back repeatedly and… Read more »
Last night I dreamt a snake bit my neck. I felt my body get hot, as though I could feel the venom. I think I was afraid, but I remember feeling more powerful as though the venom was medicine. There were other details I cannot remember. My long term partner and I have been in a rough patch for 3 years, but could not physically separate due to lack of resources and parenting two kids. Recently, we’ve been serious about marriage counseling and understanding how things went awry for us. I don’t know the outcome of counseling. Sex is good-… Read more »
Hi Sandra, thank you for sharing. I don’t have enough information to really help here. Was this the only imagery in the dream? Also, what was happening on the days before this dream? Anything more specific than what you have shared?
Read everything I have written about snake symbolism. Yes, venom can be healing. Where on the neck?
This other person – I get the feeling there is some symbolic meaning there. Work with that … Look up the dream about Henry on my site to see what I mean.
Hello. I was in a room with family 6 people including myself. My son had a black snake with 3 bold gold circles on his back. The snake stood up boldly broke through the screen bite me on top right hand went back to the cage as I was on the phone with 911. Snake broke out of the cage again but tired to bite me in the back but I was able to squeeze it and I got off the phone with 911 and called my son and told him exactly what happened to his snake. No body in… Read more »
Hello. I was in a room with family 6 people including myself. My son had a black snake with 3 bold gold circles on his back. The snake stood up boldly broke through the screen bite me on top right hand went back to the cage as I was on the phone with 911. Snake broke out of the cage again but tired to bite me in the back but I was able to squeeze it and I got off the phone with 911 and called my son and told him exactly what happened to his snake. No body in… Read more »
Hey, my dream that I keep having over and over all night, was of a black and gold/yellow snake biting my left hand and it is three people in the room and I have to have them pull it off my hand and when they do I have to ask them like two or three times but when they do I can see the fangs being pulled out my hands and then I go somewhere then I end up back in the bedroom like I’m kneeled beside the bed with some of my body on the bed and some on… Read more »
Hellow, yesturday i had a deam i was with unknown man there were so many snakes around so we had to climb the wall,while climbing i saw two snakes one was white and the other black_red as i was struggling to climb up the blackred snake bit me in my right hand one fang entered completely and the other touched partially on my ring finger i heard a voice saying “these snakes dont usually bite” my hand started turning black and was paining so much,i panicked luckily the unknown man gave me an anti_venom (more like aantidote) then after my… Read more »
Right now am i. Between life am in a new relationship things are wonderful but i have to now pay rent and i also need to move i also need to own my own home and land but everytime something block me so this morning i dream that i was somewhere like climbing a wall and three of us then some ornage thing came to live and turn into a big long grey snake then it rap itself around my neck trying to strangle me then i hold onto its head with my right hand and it turn it head… Read more »
I saw a small black n purple mix snake came into the house. I was shouting and running away from the snake but snake jump into me and bit my hand. And i had a small fight with that snake and near by our home there was a funeral home. When they are taking the body to graveyard snake also went out with them.
These days i have some problems with my husband like he have an affair with someone else…
In my dream I was walking a saw a red snake coiled up in a small hole/ditch. It saw me and immediately started chasing me. I tripped and was then lying on the ground. The red snake was all around me trying to bite me but it didn’t. I remember fear at first but that went away. When it lunged at my face to try and bite me, it was gone. Then I remember being worried about a dog who was trying to protect me. Can you help me determine if this might be a good dream or bad? I… Read more »
I was with my cousins gf aunt and we were laying on the floor watching tv when a snake appears I wasn’t scared of it I wanted to touch it but then it bit me but I was calm and it did it three times but it was 4 holes each bite unlike a normal snake that gives 2 holes and I would bleed but I wasn’t really scared I just took my phone and took some pics and then the aunt took it off and my cousins came in and started watching tv and I went to the kitchen… Read more »
So, I’ve had dreams about black snakes before. In this dream I was awake in the room I sleep in, like it looks exactly the way it did when I fell asleep and I was in the same sleeping position, like sleep paralysis without the paralysis. I looked next to me, and there was a baby black snake, probably like 4-inches-long, standing on its tail, sleeping. It was next to my current gf. So I went to grab for it, and it lunged at me. Like though the air. It bit my hand, I believe the right one, And I… Read more »
Thank you for posting your dream. I will give you a hint:
That is a literal translation of your dream, not a symbolic interpretation. Your dream symbolizessomething you do not already know. I would suggest you read the post more carefully….if you have read it at all (no offense ???)
I had a dream that a small rattle snake with 3 buttons and a 4th just a tip. The snake was aggressive and looked like a video game snake from Nintendo off and on, but a real snake as well. This venomous snake was in our house. My husband said it was fine and he would handle it…despite not having snake handling experience. He was dismissive to begin with. Not believing a snake was in the house. I was concerned we would step on it and it would bite us or the cats. He finds the snake and picks it… Read more »
Hello J…thank you for sharing this very personal dream and situation. Normally, I would lean toward dreams meaning something about ourselves, but after what you have shared, I’m not as sure about that. It’s as if the dream points to the idea that what he considers a “small problem”, could actually be a devastating problem. It’s way to difficult to say without knowing you – or him for that matter. Addiction is certainly a poison. This dream is not something you should share with him as “proof” of your “rightness”. This dream is for you to work with. I hope… Read more »
Night before last I was walking down my friends driveway. I was with my mom and niece. We came upon many snakes (too many to count). They all were venomous. I recognized copperheads and cool snakes. There was a chair in the middle of them, like the old school chairs in elementary school. I believe it was blue. The group of snakes had distinct spaces that made me feel like they were safe zones. I told my mom and niece to jump from space to space. I began to make the jumps, I don’t know if they followed me, and… Read more »
I dreamt last night that I was fighting off people that were trying to attack me when all of a sudden a yellow and black snake came up between my legs then around my neck and into my mouth and squirted it’s venom into my mouth. I was worried it was poisonous but woke up in a sweat before I could figure it out. I usually don’t have dreams like this. It really jolted me. Then tonight the lights went off automatically in my living room. There are 6 of them that all went off together. My dog has been… Read more »